Yuri Gagarin Is My Hero.








      Yuri Gagarin is the first man on the planet Earth who made a flight into space. This name is well known nowadays in our country and abroad because his flight started a new era - the era of conquest of our solar system.

 Yuri Gagarin was an open-hearted person. His attractive smile flew round the world. His portraits were everywhere-on the covers of magazines and newspapers, on the envelopes and postal stamps. One could see him taking part in different meetings, conferences, TVprogrammes.

 Besides being very cheerful and kind, Yuri was enormously active and full of energy; he appeared to be a gifted person in many spheres of human activity.

>> He always studied very well and worked hard. He solved scientific problems and learnt to handle new aviation equipment easily. He shared his knowledge with his friends.

 When a school boy his favourite subject was physics.  Having finished school he entered a special college because he wanted to become a pilot. It was a dream of his life. He could do everything to reach it.

 After his space flight he continued to study. In 1968 he graduated from the Air Forces Academy. His diploma, being a result of a thoughtful investigation, became a truly scientific work.

 Gagarin perished when testing a new plane. Though he could refuse doing it, he did not. He was a real hero.






Nastya Matushkina

10E, Lyceum 130

Novosibirsk, Russia