First of all we must understand what a heroic profession is. For example: is a street cleaner a heroic profession? I think it’s not. In my opinion a heroic profession is the one in which people risk their lives in order to learn something new or to save the lives of other people. So, a street cleaner doesn’t risk his life, so his profession is not heroic. But there are lots of really heroic professions: policeman, military man, fireman, field engineer, astronaut, etc.
But why do they risk their lives? Very often they don’t get anything for their heroism. They do it because their heart tells them that they must do it and they can’t stay and watch innocent people die. Now I want to tell you what professions I personally admire.
very hard to be a fireman.
You never know at what time you must immediately jump into the car and rush to a burning object. You may be quietly sitting at the fire-station and all of a sudden you hear an alarm. You should act very fast, because each lost minute can one human life. Putting out the fire is team work; you’ll never extinguish it without a good team.
The main activity of a policeman is to catch criminals. After the crime has been committed, policemen go to the place, where it had happened, and study everything there, because even a small part of a nail, a piece of cloth can point to the criminal. Then they determine where the criminal is living or hiding. After that they must make up a plan how to catch the criminal and only after that they take decisive actions. Policemen must do their work rather quietly and secretly, otherwise criminals may suspect something and escape, and all the operation may fail.
I think a doctor is also a heroic profession, without doctors we wouldn’t know how to cure illnesses. The most responsible job is that of a surgeon. You must have a lot of knowledge, practice, courage and responsibility to make an operation. If you make it well- you’re a hero, but if you fail, everyone will say that you have done not everything, that you could do.
I do agree that there are a lot of heroes, whose names are known all over the world. Dozens of young men would like to follow their example, but for me it’s more important to realize, that there are thousands of “unseen and unknown” heroes, who do heroic deeds every day, protecting our lives. And we are thankful to them.
Andrey Chalkov
Form 10M, Lyceum 130
Novosibirsk, Russia