Church Workers Are My Heroes
Why are these people heroes, I think?
Because church has played and is still playing an important role in Russian
history. In the 10th century it united many Russian cities into one
state, it secured good relations with a powerful at those times state-Byzantine.
In my opinion, Russia couldn’t become Russia without the help of such wise
people as Church Workers.
For example: after the death of Ivan II (in 1359) the head of church took to himself the problems of guardianship of the heir-little prince Dmitrij (Donskoj in the future). That guardianship played a decisive role in the development of Dmitrij’s personality. Metropolitan Aleksij gave a gold label back to Moscow (a gold label was the symbol of authority in Russia at the time of the Golden Horde and was given only by its khans). Aleksij supported the national liberation movement against the Golden Horde, fights with Lithuania; according to his orders, new churches were built, he was also the founder of several cloisters. His biography tells us about the wonder, which was accomplished by him in the Golden Horde. In 1357 the wife of the Horde’s khan Taidula fell ill and was losing her eyesight. Nobody could help her, even the best doctors of the Horde. But Metropolitan Aleksij was able to cure her. And then the Horde’s khan Berdibek gave the Russian church a gold label confirming the independence of the prince’s contribution.
Radonezhskij (look at the pictures) was born in 1332 in a well-off family. The
boy couldn’t go to school though he wanted to very much. And his biography says
that one day he met an old man and the men asked him what the boy wanted. And he
answered that most of all he wanted to study grammar because at that time he had
been learning it but knew nothing. And the man started praying for him. And
after that the boy became able to study. After the death of his parents he gave
his part of inheritance to his little brother and became a monk Sergij. Together
with his elder brother he built a church which was given the name of Holy
Trinity. That was the beginning of the great, most
famous Russian cloister, Troitse-Sergievskaya Lavra (monastery of the first
rank). Sergij helped people to find their way in
life, both princes and peasants asked for his advice. During his long life he
used to reject every offer connected with power and powerful people, because he
understood his role as to help people, not to rule them. He blessed Dmitrij
Donskoj for Kulikovskaja battle. Two monks from Troitse-Sergievski cloister,
brothers Peresvet and Osliabja took part in that battle. The legend says that
before the main fight there was a fight between two warriors: one-from the
Russian army and one- from the Mongolian army. Peresvet was wounded but didn’t
fall down and won in that fight. Then the Russian army won the battle.
And it was the beginning of Russia’s independence.
For me these church workers are real heroes and a wonderful example of honest service to their country and people.
Anna Polyakova
Form 10M, Lyceum #130
Novosibirsk, Russia