My hero is Alexander Macedonsky.


            At the age of twenty he was at the head of Macedonia. When the Greeks in Macedonia had revolted Alexander suppressed the revolt and united his country. But the economic situation was very tense and he had to find a way out to help his motherland. He realized that new conquests and a new powerful army were necessary.  The superiority of Persia, a sworn enemy of Macedonia, was really great.  Alexander knew that if he did not take decisive measures Persia would attack his country. He had to do something, and he decided to be the first to attack the enemy. Thanks to his strategy the army of Macedonia won a great victory, and the country managed to raise its economy.

            I admire this man and his activities! In very dangerous situations he always acted in a very clever way. And some historians say that Napoleon admired him as well.

            Unfortunately he died at the age of thirty three. All his people were shocked and mourned him. Later he became a hero of numerous legends, tales and movies.



This is a still from the film about Alexander Macedonsky.







Nastya Yelistratova,

 Form 10E, Lyceum 130,

Novosibirsk, Russia