Internet Project News
Monthly Issue
Autumn News
The Planet Project, November 15-18, is over. Nina Koptyug and Dmitri Salmin have polled 132 people. For details of the project, see <>.
Laws of Life project continues till May. Everybody is welcome to participate and exchange views on life values.
Learning Circles project continues, 9G and 10G. We wrote and received class surveys, essays about our leisure time and hobbies.
The Local History project continues. Write about the place you live in, your town, school, nature.
Kindred project continues. Write about your family.
Many schools in the world wish to have keypals in Siberia. If you are interested in e-mailing students from other countries, let us know!
Bullying project continues. See <>.
If you are interested in any of the projects, ask N.M. Koptyug.
Previous issue:
January 31, 2000
November 24,1999
September 29, 1999
June 18, 1999
May 17, 1999
April 16, 1999
March 15, 1999
February 15, 1999(RUSSIAN only)
January 18, 1999(RUSSIAN only)
December 15, 1998(RUSSIAN only)